A nice simple one. For some infrastructure at work I needed a way to provide an override value for the DNS name in a production system. Otherwise, we could just use a calculated value with the environment name etc from earlier during testing. Something like the below shows how to pass an override and use that instead of the ‘calculated value’ used for dev instances. It might not be rocket science but thought it worth sharing and remembering for my own needs. The example creates a local file for simplicity in showing the mechanism.

First, create a file call main.tf and use the below

terraform {}

variable "my_dev_value" {
  description = "Example my_dev_value"
  type        = string
  default     = "DEV"
variable "my_specific_prod_value" {
  description = "Example my_specific_prod_value"
  type        = string
  default     = ""

locals {
  calculated_dev_value_used_in_many_places = lower(format("calculated-value-%s", var.my_dev_value))

resource "local_file" "dev_or_prod_value" {
  # if 'my_specific_prod_value' is blank, then fill in the dev value, if it is prod, put in the prod value
  content  = "${var.my_specific_prod_value}" == "" ? "${local.calculated_dev_value_used_in_many_places}" : "${var.my_specific_prod_value}"
  filename = "file.txt"

Then run it like this.

terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve                                                  # Uses the default value
terraform apply -auto-approve -var my_specific_prod_value=SPECIFIC-PROD-VALUE  # Uses the passed value

If a my_specific_prod_value is not passed, the default dev value is used. If a var is passed then the my_specific_prod_value is used.